
Welcome to Nutritionist Saloni

Team Nutritionist Saloni (TNS) is a one stop solution for all things Fatloss, PCOS management , Lifestyle Management , Weight Management , Body re-composition, diets for skin concerns and all sorts of other therapeutic diets


FAQ Page

Nutritionist Saloni / FAQ Page
How many kgs will I lose in a month?

We can’t assure you a fixed number, as each and every body reacts and adapts differently to the plan.
Consistency and Motivation are the key factors.
However people lose around 3-6kgs in a month on an average.

Will it be just salads and soups in the diet?

Absolutely no, you will have proper wholesome fulfilling meals.

How your diet is different from others?

Our Diet involves goal orientation which can be towards aiming management of health or to combat any therapeutic condition, it involves quantitative analysis of what we are eating as well as qualitative introspection of the kind of food we are eating along with the development of a sustainable lifestyle.

Will it be a strict regime?

Not at all , you will have a variety of food in your diet. Modifications and replacements are done on a daily basis as per the need of the client.

Will I be in touch with the dietician personally?

Absolutely yes, you will be having your own personal WhatsApp group with the team for day to day communication.

Is workout necessary?

Yes, it’s advisable. Your activity level should be good. After all its 70% the diet and 30% the workouts.

Will I have to starve myself?

Not at all, we don’t believe in starvation. Our motive is to keep you satiated.

Will there be any artificial supplements or exotic food in the diet?

No, the diet will consist of simple home made food only. That you usually eat in your daily routine.